Jake MosleyJake has worked in Higher Education Administration for over nine years. During that time, he has worked across all areas of graduate business education: Admissions, Career Services, and Student Affairs. As part of the strategic leadership team within the Georgia MBA program, Jake helped facilitate Georgia’s rise in the MBA rankings from the 50s into the top 30. Jake specializes in collaborating across departmental units to maximize resources and design infrastructures empowering students to realize their goals. Recent examples include redesigning the student club structure within the Full-Time MBA program to better align with the size and strategic mission of the program and working closely with an MBA student to launch the Georgia MBA B Collaborative pairing MBA students and UGA undergraduate students to serve as consultants for companies pursuing B Corp Certification. Jake is invested in providing the best student experience possible, volunteering as a Safe Space Training Facilitator, Student Veteran Transition Coach, and a Correll Scholar Mentor which provides mentorship to first generation college students from rural areas.
What is your company mission?
Within UGA’s mission to “teach, to serve, and to inquire into the nature of things,” I strive to provide applied learning opportunities that enable MBA and MSBA students to apply the skills they are learning to solve real world problems.
What does your company do? What product or service do you offer?
We strive to prepare students to become leaders and eventual changemakers in the workforce.
How long have you been a B Corp?
We are not a B Corp but I have been heavily involved with this movement, connecting students with aspiring B Corps, for over 3 years.
What attracted you to B Corp?
The B Impact Assessment provides an excellent framework for students to learn what it means for a business to measure and grow it’s impact. Highlighting the role business can play in improving society is a transformative experience. Engaging with B Corps opens an entirely new set of possibilities for students once they graduate. Opportunities that they didn’t believe existed.
Why does B Corp matter to you?
Beyond the obvious good that B Corp creates, B Corp also allows me to challenge the traditional norms of business school and expand student’s understanding of their career opportunities.
What two or three activities do you do within your company to keep the B Corp mission a key part of your company culture?
Within the MBA and MSBA program, my colleagues and I are working to provide a more diverse and inclusive environment for our students.
If you were encouraging other companies to consider applying for B Corp certification, what would you say to them? Why should they become a B Corp?
The B Impact Assessment provides a tangible framework to identify and achieve goals to create good for all of your stakeholders. B Corp is so much more than getting to 80 and earning that an initial certification. That actually just opens the door to a whole new world, a network of individuals and businesses dedicated to improving the depth and scale of their impact. The B Corp network is the most inspiring community I have found.
Within UGA’s mission to “teach, to serve, and to inquire into the nature of things,” I strive to provide applied learning opportunities that enable MBA and MSBA students to apply the skills they are learning to solve real world problems.
What does your company do? What product or service do you offer?
We strive to prepare students to become leaders and eventual changemakers in the workforce.
How long have you been a B Corp?
We are not a B Corp but I have been heavily involved with this movement, connecting students with aspiring B Corps, for over 3 years.
What attracted you to B Corp?
The B Impact Assessment provides an excellent framework for students to learn what it means for a business to measure and grow it’s impact. Highlighting the role business can play in improving society is a transformative experience. Engaging with B Corps opens an entirely new set of possibilities for students once they graduate. Opportunities that they didn’t believe existed.
Why does B Corp matter to you?
Beyond the obvious good that B Corp creates, B Corp also allows me to challenge the traditional norms of business school and expand student’s understanding of their career opportunities.
What two or three activities do you do within your company to keep the B Corp mission a key part of your company culture?
Within the MBA and MSBA program, my colleagues and I are working to provide a more diverse and inclusive environment for our students.
If you were encouraging other companies to consider applying for B Corp certification, what would you say to them? Why should they become a B Corp?
The B Impact Assessment provides a tangible framework to identify and achieve goals to create good for all of your stakeholders. B Corp is so much more than getting to 80 and earning that an initial certification. That actually just opens the door to a whole new world, a network of individuals and businesses dedicated to improving the depth and scale of their impact. The B Corp network is the most inspiring community I have found.